제육's 휘발성 코딩
Published 2021. 12. 16. 14:41
[OPIc] - 묘사 훈련 Other

묘사 훈련

  • IM3 ~ AL 을 목표한다면, 서론(1문장), 본론(2~3문단), 결론(1문장) 정도 구사할 수 있어야한다.
  • 묘사는 2, 5, 8번에만 등장하지만 결국 이 문장들을 통해 다른 부분(롤 플레잉 등)에 적용 가능

개방 공간 묘사

  • 시작할 때 질문한 키워드에 대해 한마디 해주고, 잡은 키워드에 대해 부사절을 넣는 습관 필요
  • 해변 묘사 - ~ the beach?


My Script That's a good question, my favorite beach??? Sure, I usually visit beach with my friends When it comes to my favorite beach, it has to be Haeundae beach in Busan and it's like 400km from where I live. Actually, there is undeniably beautiful, and as you can expect, the water is crystal clear.

Well, night is the perfect time to visit the beach.
Oh! I must say that the night beach is kinda romantic and that's why the place is famous for couples.
So, I suppose I tend to visit there a few times a year.

Lastly, the beach is a perfect spot for just sitting and relaxing.
So, I strongly recommend you visit there with your boyfriend, Eva.

So overall, this is about my favorite beach.

  • 자주 가는 해외 여행지 묘사 - ~ international trips.


My Script Well, international trips?? You know, I like to visit Hawaii since it's a beautiful place. Speaking of Hawaii, it's a perfect spot for vacations. So, I suppose I tend to visit there once or twice a year. Actually, the beaches in Hawaii are undeniably beautiful, and water is crystal clear.

Whenever I visit there, I can see bunch of people swimming and tanning at the beach.
Not only that, I can see lots of people do many kinds of things such as play sports, listening to music and stuff like that.

The main reason why I like to visit Hawaii is that I can spend time alone.
Seriously, I prefer to go to the beach in Hawaii at night since I can enjoy the peace and quiet.

Alright Eva, this is all I can say about the country that I usally visit. Thank you.

  • 자주 가능 공원 묘사 - ~ the parks. (공원은 소재가 다양해서 쉬운 질문)


My Script Oh yeah, my favorite park??? You know, I usually visit the park with my friends.

Well, I pretty sure that the park is around 5minutes away from my home.
So, I suppose I tend to visit there three to four times a week.
Seriously, I prefer to go to the park at night since I can enjoy the peace and quiet.

Also, there is a huge running track where you can see lots of people exercising.
So, when I'm stressed out, I go and run with them.
I guess it's the perfect way to release stress.

Well, okay Eva, this is pretty much about my favorite park. Thank you.

  • 우리나라의 지리적 특징 묘사 - ~ geography


My Script Oh yeah, the geography of my country? You know, Korea is a peninsula, so it is surrounded by water to the south, east and west. - peninsula(반도)

As I just mentioned before(전에도 언급했듯이), Korea is a peninsula and that means there are lots of beaches in Korea. You know, the beaches in Korea are undeniably beautiful, and the water is crystal clear. Well summer is ther perfect time to go to the beaches since you can do many things.

Secondly, there are lots of mountains since Korea is a mountainous country.
Seriously, people prefer to go to the mountains since they can enjoy the peace and quiet.

Also, there are lots of parks in Korea.
Speaking of parks, they are perfect spots for just sitting and relaxing.
Well, I guess most people go there to walk or run.

Well, okay Eva, this is pretty much about the geography of my country.

  • 이웃 국가 묘사 - ~ nearby your country


My Script That's a good question, a country that is nearby my country? Sure, it's gotta be Japan.

When it comes to Japan, it's like 600km away from Korea.
Well I guess summer is the perfect time to visit Japan and do some outdoor activities.
You know, people do many kinds of things in Japan such as playing sports, swimming and stuff like that.

Also, the shopping malls in Japan ar very famous for tourists since it's very cheap.
However, all you need to know is that the shopping malls are always packed with lots of people.

Speaking of the beach in Japan, it's a perfect spot for just relaxing while looking at the beautiful beach view. Whenever I go there, it makes me fell so great and it means a lot to me.

So, overall, this is about a country that is nearby my country.

독립공간 묘사

  • 커피숍 묘사 - ~cafes or coffee shops


My Script Oh yeah, my favorite coffee shop? You know, It's gotta be Starbucks in my friends.

When it comes to Starbucks has 7 floors and terrace garden.
I mean, it is unlike any other Starbucks in the world as it has 7 floors. (다른 스타벅스와는 달라)
Well, I always order Latte in the morning but sometimes I need to stand in a long line.

As you can expect, on the top floor, there is a terrace garden where you can chill.
I mean, the terrace garden is extremly clean, and th staff there are so frinedly and that's why I love to go there.

In my opinion, people go to coffee shops to get rid of stress.
I mean, they can talk, laugh, enjoy their coffee after doing a stressful day at work.

Well, okay Eva, this is pretty much about my favorite coffee shop.

  • 쇼핑몰 묘사 - favorite shopping mall


My Script Well my favorite shopping mall? You know, let me say, I'm shopaholic. When it comes to my favorite shopping mall, it's like 5km from where I live. You know, I must say that it's the tallest building in the city and it's called hyundae shopping mall. Whenever I go there, it makes me feel so great and can't stop spending money at that mall.

As you can imagine, on ther first floor, you can find lots of cosmetics and perfumes.
Obviosly, the cosmetic shops are always filled with lots of people since wearing makeup is common in Korea.
Also, Second to fourth floor, there are lots of luxury stores.

As you can expect, on the top floor, there is a coffee shop and cozy bar where you can chill.
So, I somtimes visit there after shopping.

Alright Eva, this is all I can say about my favorite shopping mall. Thank you.

  • 레스토랑 묘사 - one of your favorite restaurants


My Script Oh, yeah, one of my favorite restaurants? You know, it's gotta be VIPS restaurant.

Well, I'm pretty sure that restaurant is around 10minutes away from my home.
And that means, I go there quite often with my friends.
You know, they serve good food, and the price is quite affordable. (합리적)

The main reson why I like visit that restaurant is that I can get a discount since I'm regular. (단골)
Whenever I go there after work, I really enjoy drinking beers because it helps me release stress.

In my opinion, VIPS restaurant is a perfect spot for family dinner.
Oh my god! I don't know why, but I kinda feel like drinking.

Well, okay Eva, this is pretty much about VIPS restaurant.

  • 집 묘사 - describe your house


My Script That's a good question, where I live? Sure, let me tell you about my house.

You know, I must say that my apartment is the tallest building in the city.
When it comes to my house, our place has four bedrooms, and two baths.
Well, I'm pretty sure that my apartment is around 5minutes away from the DMC statiion.

When you enter the house, the first thing you can see is a flat screen and a cozy couch. (쇼파)
As you walk in, you will probably see my sister being a couch potato.

Speaking of my favorite room, it has to be my bedrooms.
You know, I recently bought a new bed and it's a perfect spot for just relaxing.

So overall, this is a bout my house.

  • 은행 묘사 - the banks in your country.


My Script Well, the banks in my country? You know, there are lots of banks in Korea.

First of all, the banks in Korea normally have 4 floors.
As you can imagine, on the first floor, there are lots of ATMs.
When you go there, in total, you can find more than 30 ATMs.

Also, on the second to fourth floors, there are lots of bank tellers.
You know, there are always so many people waiting in a long line.
So I prefer going to the VIP room where I need an ID card to get in.

As you can imagine, there is a coffee shop on the top floor.
People usually visit there and have some coffee.

Alright Eva, this is all I can say about the banks in my country. Thank you.

일반적 묘사

  • 인터넷 활동 묘사 - do on the Internet?


My Script That's a good question, people do lots of things on the Internet!

When it comes to Internet, most people in the world use the Internet every single day.
I mean, can you live without your cell phone for a day?

Think about it. How do you start your day?
You know, some people start their day by reading a newspaper on their phone.
Or, some people listen to music.

Plus, I always go to a coffee shop and order Latte in the morning but sometimes I need to stand in a long line. So I use an app to order online.

So overall, this is about what people normally do on ther Internet

  • 전화기 묘사 - about your cell phone.


My Script Well, what I like most about my cell phone? You know, I cannot live without my cell phone.

The main reason why I love my phone is that I can enjoy listening to music anywhere.
Speaking of music, I really enjoy listening to all kinds of music because it helps me release stress.

However, there are many other things I can do using a cell phone.
You know, I always order Americano in the morning, but the coffee shops are always filled with lots of people in the morning.
So, I use my cell phone to order online.

Moreever, I love shopping, but the shopping malls ars always packed on the weekedns.
So I started to shop online using my phone.

Alright Eva, this is all I can say about what I like most about my cell phone. Thank you.

  • 재활용 묘사 - how recycling is practiced in your country.


My Script Oh, yeah, recycling? You know, most Koreans recycle like 2 to 3 times a week.

When it comes to recycling, it is mandatory in Korea and people normally recycle 3 times a week.
In Korea, there are many recycling centers which are normally located in the middle of the town.

As you can imagine, people recycle trash in the recycling centers such as paper, glass, metal and etcetera.
You know what? We need to separate the trash carefully otherwise we could be fined.

Well, okay Eva, this is pretty much about how recycling is practiced in my country.

  • 교통 묘사 - What types of transportation


My Script That's a good question, types of transportation do people use? Sure, I got it.

When it comes to transportation, most Koreans use public transportation.
The main reason why people like to use public transportation is that it's cheaper and reliable.

However, public transportation is allways packed with lots of people.
So, people prefer taking cabs since it's fast and convenient.

Lastly, riding bikes is another idea in Korea since the traffic is congested.
Also, people love riding bikes because they can lose weight.

So overall, this is about different types of transportation people use in Korea.

  • 휴일 활동 - some holidays in your country


My Script Oh yeah, some holidays in my country? It must be New year's Eve and Thanksgiving Day.

Speaking of holidays in Korea. people usually go to the parks or the beaches with their family.
Well, holidays in Korea are the perfect time to go to the park and do some outdoor activities.
I mean, there are many huge parks in Korea with many different areas where people play soccer, cricket and so on.
So, lots of families come out to play sports or listen to music together.

In addition, people prefer going to the beaches on holidays since people can enjoy the peace and quiet. Also, I guess most people go there to swim.

Plus, people usually grab a beer with their family.
I mean, most Koreans love going to bars and drink.

Well, okay Eva, this is pretty much about some holidays in my country.

  • 가족 혹은 친구 묘사 - describe one of your family members or friends


My Script That's a good question, let me tell you one of my friends and his name is Nick.

When it comes to my friend Nick, I spend lots of time with him and I've known him since I was 20.
Well, he is tall and a handsome guy.

Actually, he knows a lot about music, so whenever I go to concerts, I take him with me.
You know, he really enjoys listening all kinds of music, so he is a great person to go with.

Moreover, he just became a pesonal trainer. So we hit the gym and work out together.

So overall, this is about my friend Nick.

  • 건강한 사람 묘사 - a healthy person you know of


My Script Well, a healthy person I know? You know, It must be my friend Nick.

Speaking of Nick, he is physically, mentally and socially well balanced.
In order to stay healthy, he spends lots of time at the gym because working out is very important for a healthy life.

Moreover, he is an outgoing person and likes socializing.
So, he usually has social gatherings in his free time.
I mean, talking and laughing with people helps him stay healthy.

Lastly, he really enjoys watching all kinds of movies because it helps him release stress.
In order to stay healthy, I'm going to do the same things that he does.

Alright Eva, this is all I can say about a healthy person I know of. Thank you.

  • 우리나라 패션 묘사 - how people in your country dress


My Script Oh, yeah, how people in my country dress? You know, Koreans wear something casual.

As I mentioned before, there are lots of parks in Korea and people enjoy their free time at the parks.
I mean, you will see people do many kinds of things such as playing sports, listening to music and stuff like that.
So most Koreans wear something casual when they go to parks.

In addition, most Koreans are concerned about their health.
So, people spend lots of time at the gym because they like to stay healthy.
Which means, they usually wear gym clothes.

Well, okay Eva, this is pretty much about how people dress in Korea.

  • 우리나라 날씨 묘사 - the weather and seasons in your country


My Script That's a good question, the weather and seasons in my country? Sure, I got it.

As you may know, there are 4 distinct seasons in Korea.
Obviously, It is scorching hot during summer and freezing cold during winter.

Speaking of my favorite season, I must say, it's summer since I love going to the beach.
Well, summer is the perfect time to go to the beach and do some outdoor activities.
The main reason why I like summer is to watch the sunset at the beach. It is kinda romantic.
Whenever I go there, it makes me feel so greate and it means a lot to me.

So overall, this is about the weather and seasons in my country.


제육's 휘발성 코딩


포스팅이 좋았다면 "좋아요❤️" 또는 "구독👍🏻" 해주세요! 맞구독은 언제나 환영입니다^^